IR Verbs – The List


Obéir à – in French, you do not “obey someone” you “obey to someone” (or something). “J’obéis à la prof mais tu n’obéis pas à la prof.”

Réussir – it is always important to study how a verb is used in context and “réussir” is a perfect example of this. When you pass a test “vous réussissez à un examen.” If you manage to do something “vous réussissez à le faire.” However, for many things, you can use the verb without any extra little words added in. For example:

            “She makes good cakes.” – “Elle réussit bien les gateaux.”
            “He’s making a success of his life.” – “Il réussit sa vie.”


les Bandes-Annonces

Time for a break from grammar! Check out this trailer for a French comedy that I really enjoyed:


I know they speak quickly and there are no subtitles, but play it a few times. See what you can pick out!

From the description on Wikipédia:

François Coste est un marchand d'art au carnet d'adresses bien rempli, mais dont la vie personnelle est un échec. Après avoir acheté sur un coup de tête un vase grec, mettant en péril leur galerie d'art commune, son associée Catherine le met au défi de lui présenter avant la fin du mois son meilleur ami, sans quoi le vase lui reviendra…


And, for something a little simpler (or just more familiar?):


What do you think? Can you follow them?

What French films do you like?