Haiti – Ayiti

   800px-Flag_of_Haiti.svg (Image courtesy Wikipedia)

On January 12, 2010 Haiti was devastated by an earthquake which struck near its capital, Port-au-Prince. A year has gone by, the one year anniversary has passed, and it is easy to forget.

But it's important not to forget. Haiti has a long way to go to recover from the earthquake that hit over a year ago and the recent outbreak of cholera has not helped. With an estimated one million poeople still living in displacement camps, the effects of the earthquake are far from being behind us.

800px-Haitian_national_palace_earthquake (Image courtesy Wikipedia)

So today we'll take a moment to remember that even though most of the reporters, camera crews, and lights have gone home, there is still work to be done.

The French Wikipedia (can you tell I'm a fan?) has an excellent article on the earthquake:

Séisme de 2010 à Haïti

And some very basic earthquake vocabulary:


  Earthquake vocab

I've never been to Haïti, but I want to go some day. I know it's not number one on most tourism destination lists, but any francophone country is worth visiting as far as I'm concerned and who said that tourism was the only reason to visit a foreign country anyway? Why not go with an aid organization and make a difference? You might find it a much more memorable and moving experience than any vacation.

So? What about you? Have you been to Haïti?